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kidney qualified fund
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Kidney Qualified Fund
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About: About Us: Kidney Qualified Fund Mission and Vision: The Kidney Qualified Fund (KQF) is a compassionate and innovative nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individuals navigating the complex journey of kidney transplants. Our mission is to create a supportive community for those who are either awaiting a kidney transplant, have undergone the procedure, or are considering becoming donors. At KQF, we understand that the path to a kidney transplant is filled with emotional, physical, and often financial challenges. Our goal is to ease this journey by providing comprehensive support, resources, and a platform for connection and shared experiences. We believe that by fostering a community of understanding and empathy, we can make a significant difference in the lives of those touched by kidney donation and transplantation. What We Do: Support and Advocacy: We offer emotional support and advocacy for individuals and families affected by kidney disease, helping them navigate the h...

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